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Paula Zahn Now
My friend Daryl Davis interviewed on CNN's Paula Zahn Now Show February 5th 2007. Below is a review of Daryl's book by Bruce Martin: 'The title, book jacket illustration and even the concept behind Daryl Davis' first book scan like a bad episode of 'Jenny Jones.' Guess what? It's fascinating. Davis, who is black, makes a good living as a journeyman boogie-blues pianist - he was at the keys when Bill Clinton was blowing his saxophone on 'Aresenio.' But a gnawing question has never been far from his mind: What makes some white people hate blacks so much - to the point where they want to join one of the numerous and widely divergent hate group known as the Ku Klux Klan? At all points in 'Klan-Destine Relationships,' Davis approaches his quest for information with equally impressive helpings of honesty, good humor and huge reserves of sheep nerve. His book follows as he wheedles prominent KKK officials and newsmakers into face-to-face interviews in which he probes point blank how their lives and views have led them to the Klan. Davis never 'spins' their rationalizations. He just lets his subjects talk - and invariably the wounded, confused and fearful psyches under the bluster are laid bare. Davis consistently approaches each of his subjects as individuals; some he comes to respect and even like. Usually one would feel patronized by a concluding chapter like the one here, in which Davis expresses hope his book will inspire others to study their own biases. Instead, it's an effective plea. The man has earned his right to preach.

Source: youtube