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LISA RAY I can't think straight 2008
Ma Fini Fakker Ma fini fakker winti haddi (I cant think while you are near me) Ma fini ihki (I cant speak) Ma bfakker illa fiki (I only think of you) Ma bismah illa sawtek (I only hear your voice) Ma bshouf illa sourtek (I only see your face) Shou baddi illek (what can I tell you) Bhibbek ana bhibbek (I love you, Im the one who loves you) Shou baddi ihki (what can I say) Akhadti albi (you took my heart away) Akhadit hali (your took my mind away) Bhibbek ah bhibbek (I love you oh I love you) Nazra fi hyounik ma btikfi (The look in your eyes is not enough) Ana killi shaw wlahfi (I'm full of anticipation and yearning) Ma bismah illa sawtek (I only hear your voice) Ma bshouf illa sourtek (I only see your face) aam hawel khammen ihhsasek (Im trying to guess your feelings) aam hawel ira afkarek (Im trying to read your thoughts) Khallini Ismaaha minnek (Let me hear it from you) Ah Kilmet bhibbek (Oh, the words 'I love you') Bhibbek (I love you) bhibbek (I love you)

Source: youtube