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Mother's Day Tribute - In Memory of Maria del Carmen Garcia
FIRST MOTHER'S DAY WITHOUT MY MOM...and it sucks. My Mom passed away last year on May 21st. I can still remember last year's Mother's present to my Mom were the pics that I took for her 58th birthday party--pics from a year ago! That birthday was a special day. I called all my aunts, uncles, my grandma, and my brothers up and we all met at my Mom's house. My stepbrother plays the guitar so we all serenated her with Las Mananitas...a traditional, spanish birthday song. I remember her crying as we sang to her. After we got done singing, the beautiful white limo pulled up. Man, her eyes bugged out...she was so happy and surprised. I wanted my Mom, if only for one day, to feel like a million dollars....a queen. I remember telling my stepdad that I was going to wait for a major birthday but 'something' told me to just do it. So I did. We all packed in the limousine and went to downtown Detroit to her favorite Mexican Restaurant, the Mexican Village. We drank cocktails on the way to the restaurant, there, and on the way home. My Mom LOVED cake and I got her favorite cake for her. I'm glad we didn't wait till her 60th birthday because she would've never have made it. She passed in May and her 60th would have been last July. So my Mother's Day present to her were the pics from that birthday. She went through them and loved them. She wanted me to blow up several of the photos for her because they came out so nice. At my Mom's funeral, I put together the collage of her photos and blew up all of the ones she wanted blown up. So, as always, she got what she wanted. The following week after Mother's Day, Mom went in for her triple bypass heart surgery. She went in on Wed, May 18th and after 4 long days in the hospital, on May 21st, our Dear Lord called his angel home. Many of the photos in this video are from her birthday part...and the photo of the moon was on the night she passed. My older brother Bobby made this video so I thought I'd share it. The song, Borracho de Besos (drunk on kisses), was one of my Mom's favorites songs and I remember we used to blast the radio up and sing it. This song was also the song we played as my brothers, my stepdad, and her brothers carried her coffin out of the church.

Source: youtube